Raspberry Pi3 Magi Coin Miner 1. Install OS on microSD. 2. Configure OS local via raspi-config CMD: sudo raspi-config *if you dont don't configure the local via raspi-config you will get errors. doing it through the GUI won't cut it 3. do you updates CMD: sudo apt-get update CMD: sudo apt-get upgrade -y 4. now for the crazy stuff, enter the below into the terminal CMD: sudo apt-get install automake autoconf pkg-config libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev libssl-dev libgmp-dev make g++ git libgmp-dev 5.install miner CMD:git clone https://github.com/novaspirit/wolf-m7m-cpuminer 6. compile miner CMD: cd wolf-m7m-cpuminer CMD: ./autogen.sh *if you didn't set local properly in raspi-config this is where you will get errors. If you get errors set local and re-run "./autogen.sh" 7. set compiler flags CMD: CFLAG="-O2 mfpu=neon-vfpv4" ./configure 8.edit file CMD: nano Makefile *in editor hit CTRL+W to search and type "march" *change the “-march=native” to “-mcpu=cortex-a53” **save and exit 9.edit file CMD: nano m7/Makefile *in editor hit CTRL+W to search and type "march" *change the “-march=native” to “-mcpu=cortex-a53” **save and exit 10. compile everything CMD: make -j4 11. point it to you pool CMD: ./minerd -o urlofpool:8080 -u worker.1 -p password